Getting ready for Spring and Summer
It has been quite some time since our website was updated, and apologies to all.
Since the turn of the year our members have been:
- Working on 'catching up' with the making of commissions received over Christmas and New Year.
- Planning our Summer Festival Float.
- Making our float from scratch.
- Making items to sell at the East Preston Summer Sales Stalls on the Village Green.
- Preparing and running our regular 'Quiz 'Night each month.
- Preparing for another plant sale.
- Collecting items for our garage sale, and more.
- Installing a new door at St Mary's Church.
- Fitting shelving for a local lady.
- and more!
So, some key members of the team have been very busy. A big thank you to those involved.
Spring is just about with us, and we look forward to getting out and about again in the community.
Here comes the Sun!!!!!
“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.”Elbert Hubbard