Materials & Equipment
As a newly formed Shed we are on the scrounge!
We need money, tools and materials that we can use to develop our facilities and support of community projects
Wish List:
Things we really like when we are:
- Wood – pallets in good condition, sheet, long lengths of straight timber, plywood off-cuts over 50cm wide/long
- Metal stock and sheets
- Perspex/Acrylic stock and sheets
- Power tools in good condition (working, complete and with necessary guards/safety features if possible)
- Machine tools (lathe, mill etc.)
- Nuts & bolts (Metric preferably), wood screws (prefably not slot head)
- Workshop supplies – sandpaper, glue/adhesives, wood stains
- Electronic components
We can arrange local collections if we are still in need of these items, and are not too large for our vehicles.
No thanks to:
- General rubbish
- “WEEE” – waste electrical – it will cost us to dispose of it – old TV’s, radios, DVD / blu-ray players etc
- Unsorted screws/nails
- Mostly empty paint cans!
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”Albert Einstein